Monday, July 7, 2008

Settlers of Catan Sea3D

If anyone's interested....always looking for a game of Settlers...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Shadowmoor Commons Poll

Final Edit.  The poll has been redone as of 12:05 July 2, 2008 EDT.  I've cut some of the lesser options to make the list more manageable and its a bit more organized.  I think I caught a few omissions as well.

Vote for your 5 favourite.

Gamestate Challenge

Next time you're playing and you have what looks to be a "wacked out" gamestate, take a screenshot and post it here.  If you later find a more "wacked out" gamestate, edit the original post and replace it.  After a few weeks or so we'll vote on the most "wacked out" gamestate.  The winner can have like 5 reaper king avatars or something suitably wacked out and useless.